Title : 3D Multi-component Full Waveform Inversion for Shallow-Seismic Target: Ettlingen Line Case Study
Author :

Theodosius Marwan Irnaka, S.Si., M.Sc., Dr. (1) Romain Brossier (2) Ludovic Métivier (3) Thomas Bohlen (4) Yudi Pan (5)

Date : 17 2021
Keyword : Waveform Inversion,Surface waves and free oscillations,Body waves,Wave propagation Waveform Inversion,Surface waves and free oscillations,Body waves,Wave propagation
Abstract : In this work, we investigate methodological development and application of viscoelastic full waveform inversion to a multi-component source and receiver dataset at the near-surface scale. The target is located in Germany and lies in an ancient war trench from the War of the Spanish Succession that was buried at approximately 1 m depth. We present the pre-processing of the data, including a matching filter correction to compensate for different source and receiver coupling conditions during the acquisition, as well as a dedicated multi-step workflow for the reconstruction of both P-wave and S-wave velocities. Our implementation is based on viscoelastic modeling using a spectral element discretization to accurately account for the wave propagation complexity in this shallow region. We illustrate the inversion stability by starting from different initial models, either based on dispersion curve analysis or homogeneous models consistent with first arrivals. We recover similar results in both cases. We also illustrate the importance of accounting for the attenuation by comparing elastic and viscoelastic results. The 3D results make it possible to recover and locate the trench precisely in terms of interpretation. They also exhibit another trench structure, in a direction forming an angle at 45 degrees with the direction of the targeted trench. This new structure had been previously interpreted as an artifact in former 2D inversion results. The archaeological interpretation of this new structure is still a matter of discussion.
Group of Knowledge : Geofisika
Original Language : English
Level : Internasional
Status :
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