Title : A boundary-only integral equation method for parabolic problems of another class of anisotropic functionally graded materials
Author :

Moh. Ivan Azis (1) Mostafa Abbaszadeh (2) Mehdi Dehghan (3) Prof. Imam Solekhudin, S.Si., M.Si. Ph.D (4)

Date : 0 2021
Keyword : Anisotropic functionally graded materials , Variable coefficients,Parabolic equation,Laplace transform Boundary element method Anisotropic functionally graded materials , Variable coefficients,Parabolic equation,Laplace transform Boundary element method
Abstract : In this paper a combined Laplace transform and boundary element method is used to find numerical solutions to problems of another class of anisotropic functionally graded materials which are governed by a variable coefficients parabolic equation. A transformation is used to reduce the variable coefficients equation to a constant coefficients equation, which is then transformed into a boundary-only integral equation. Some examples are considered to show the validity of the analysis, consistency and accuracy of the numerical solutions. A verification for the effect of the anisotropy and inhomogeneity of the material on the solutions is also examined.
Group of Knowledge : Matematika
Original Language : English
Level : Internasional
Status :
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