Title : A Limited Survey of Aflatoxin B1 Contamination in Indonesian Palm Kernel Cake and Copra Meal Sampled from Batches
Author :

Dr. Deni Pranowo, S.Si., M.Si. (1) Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Nuryono, M.S. (2) Prof. Dr. Ir. Ali Agus, DAA., DEA., IPU., ASEAN Eng. (3) Dr. Ir. Sri Wedhastri, M.S. (4) Elisabeth Viktoria Reiter (5) Ebrahim Razzazi-Fazeli (6) Jürgen Zentek (7)

Date : 2 2013
Keyword : Aflatoxin B1,Palm kernel cake,Copra meal,Indonesia,ELISA Aflatoxin B1,Palm kernel cake,Copra meal,Indonesia,ELISA
Abstract : Samples from large (100–200 tons) batches of palm kernel cake (PKC, n?=?20) and copra meal (CM, n?=?13) were collected at production facilities of four Indonesian feed mill manufacturers and analysed for aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) by ELISA. Recoveries using spiked samples ranged from 86 to 113 %, with relative standard deviations of <9 % (PKC) and <6 % (CM). All batches were positive for AFB1: in PKC, at levels of 5.8–93.1 ?g/kg (mean 49 ?g/kg), and in CM, at levels of 1.1–147 ?g/kg (mean 38.1 ?g/kg). AFB1 levels were, in most batches, below the maximum level (100 ?g/kg) recommended by the National Standardisation Agency, Republic of Indonesia. However, about half of the batches exceeded both the European Union and USA regulations for AFB1 in animal feed. In conclusion, serious efforts are necessary to control production, storage and shipment of palm kernel cake and copra meal for feed purposes, and clearly not only for products intended for export but also to reduce AFB1 levels in domestic Indonesian feed.
Group of Knowledge : Pendidikan Kimia
Original Language : English
Level : Internasional
Status :
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1 J06_9_2013_Limited Survey Aflatoxin B1_Mycotoxin_Research_Full_Dokumen_1.pdf
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2 J06_5_2013_Limited Survey Aflatoxin B1_Mycotoxin_Research_Similarity.pdf
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4 A limited survey of aflato.pdf
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