Title : A New Blood Pressure Measurement Technology Based on the Flipping of Magnetic Dipole Moment
Author :

Dr. Bambang Murdaka Eka Jati, MS. (1) Prof. Dr. Agung Bambang Setio Utomo, S.U. (2) Dr. Drs. Guntur Maruto, S.U. (3)

Date : 7 2018
Keyword : magnetic coil,magnetic dipole moment,hydrogenic atom,transversal relaxation time,electromagnetic force induction magnetic coil,magnetic dipole moment,hydrogenic atom,transversal relaxation time,electromagnetic force induction
Abstract : The research background gives information that blood pressure type: non invasive, continous, and also precision is prospective useful. The aims of this research is to produce a new technical of blood pressure. The homemade equipment set-up (called magnetic-coil equipment) is built by placing permanent magnet (strength: (18±218±2)x103103 gauss) and two series of receiver coils in 7×7 cm 2 dimension (with 2,000 turns of coil wire 0.1 mm diameter). Output of receiver coils is connected to an amplifier (500 times to voltage) and a filter (20 Hz). Then, output of amplifier is connected to an oscilloscope and also a voltmeter. That set-up is based on the flowing speed of blood (in branchyalis artery) of 0.5 m/s and also the transversal relaxation time of blood of 0.2 s. The experiment testing is placed an arm's sample between 2 magnetic poles, then a hand is placed inside of receiver coils. Electromotive force induction is produced by magnetic dipole moment of proton in hydrogenic atoms flipping. That electromotive force (by magnet-coil equipment) is seen qualitatively by oscilloscope and measured quantitatively by the voltmeter. Electromotive force output values (of 12 samples) are 0 up to 11 volts. Those electromotive force are equivalent to systole and diastole on blood pressure of sample, so sistole and diastole are measured by sphygmomanometer reading in mmHg. The conclusion is the equivalent graph electromotive force induction versus blood pressure as exponential function.
Group of Knowledge :
Level : Internasional
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