Title : A New Left-Right Symmetry Model
Author :

Apriadi Salim Adam (1) Akmal Ferdiyan (2) Mirza Satriawan, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D. (3)

Date : 0 2020
Keyword : left right symmetry,baryogenesis,leptoquark left right symmetry,baryogenesis,leptoquark
Abstract : We propose a new L-R symmetry model where the L-R symmetry transformation reverses both the L-R chirality and the localquantum number. We add to the model a global quantum numberFwhose value is one for fermions (minus one forantifermion) and vanishes for bosons. For each standard model (SM) particle, we have the corresponding L-R dual particlewhose mass is very large and which should have decayed at the current low energy level. Due to the global quantum numberF,there is no Majorana neutrino in the model but a Dirac seesaw mechanism can still occur and the usual three active neutrinooscillation can still be realized. We add two leptoquarks and their L-R duals, for generating the baryon number asymmetry andfor facilitating the decay of the L-R dual particles. The decay of the L-R dual particles will produce a large entropy to the SMsector and give a mechanism for avoiding the big bang nucleosynthesis constraint.
Group of Knowledge : Fisika
Original Language : English
Level : Internasional
Status :
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