Title : A New Mirror Model with Additional U(1)-Gauge for Dark Matter Candidates
Author :

Mirza Satriawan, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D. (1)

Date : 0 2013
Keyword : mirror model,dark matter mirror model,dark matter
Abstract : I propose a new mirror model whose gauge group is the Left-Right Symmetry (LRS) gauge group with an additional U(1)X gauge, i.e SU(3) SU(2)L SU(2)R U(1)Y U(1)X, where the U(1)Y and the U(1)X gauge couplings are the same g0. For the standard model particles (plus a right handed neutrino) X = Y , while for the mirror particles X = ????Y . In this way there is no coupling between the SU(2)-singlet fermions, except for the neutrinos. The model is free of (chiral) anomaly. In the Higgs sectors we have left and right SU(2)-doublets and one SU(2)-singlet Higgs (with Y = 2;X = ????2). All the three Higgses will acquire vacuum expectation values (VEV), which will give masses to the left and right weak gauge bosons, one of the U(1) gauge boson and all the fermions. While photon will remain massless. Due to the coupling of the singlet neutrinos, we have Dirac seesaw mechanism in the neutrino sector, while the other fermions obtain masses through the usual mechanism similar to the standard model. Dierent from the usual LRS model the electric charge operator is given by Q = T3L + (Y + X)=4, and as consequences all mirror particles are electrically neutral and can be considered as candidates for the dark matter particles.
Group of Knowledge :
Level : Internasional
Status :
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1 Flasy 2013 Niigata - A New Mirror Model.pdf
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