Title : A New Simple Method to Measure The X-ray Linear Attenuation Coefficients of Materials Using Micro-Digital Radiography Machine
Author :

mousa, almahdi (1) Prof. Dr. Kusminarto (2) Prof. Drs. Gede Bayu Suparta, M.S., Ph.D. (3)

Date : 2018
Keyword : Linear Attenuation Coefficient ,X-ray imaging,Micro-digital radiography Linear Attenuation Coefficient ,X-ray imaging,Micro-digital radiography
Abstract : X-ray Linear Attenuation coefficients have various applications in X-ray science; this work has been done to calculate the linear attenuation coefficient values in an alternative method for plastic, plexiglas, silicone rubber and paraffin wax materials. These materials were prepared in a step-wedge tiangle with 3 mm thickness different. All sample were exposed to X-ray with 30 keV and 20mA parameters using Micro-Digital Radiography. Multiple images were captured for each sample. Then it was averaged and calculated with grayscale values by using image process program. the linear attenuation coefficient value was archived by plotting the log of the x-ray intensity against the varying in thickness. The result as following, plastic ABS is 0.0284 cm-1, Plexiglas is 0.0436 cm-1, Silicone rubber is 0.0873 cm-1 and Paraffin wax is 0.0237 cm-1. Compared with the result of another researcher the values of obtained indicates that there is a good agreement, and the method is appropriate to be used as an alternative method for measuring the linear attenuation coefficient of materials.
Group of Knowledge : Fisika
Original Language : English
Level : Internasional
Status :
No Title Document Type Action