Title : A note on cut properties of semilattice valued fuzzy sets
Author :

HARINA ORPA LEFINA MONIM (1) Prof. Dr. Sri Wahyuni, S.U. (2) Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Indah Emilia Wijayanti, S.Si., M.Si. (3)

Date : 0 2015
Keyword : Cuts,Dual semi-closure systems,Meet (join)-fuzzy sets,Semi-closure systems Cuts,Dual semi-closure systems,Meet (join)-fuzzy sets,Semi-closure systems
Abstract : Semilattice valued fuzzy sets are investigated in the frame-work of cuts. A theorem of synthesis for such fuzzy sets is proved. Families of cuts for meet(join)-fuzzy sets are proved to be special semi-closure systems. Conversely, for every such semi-closure system, we prove existence of a semilattice and a semilattice-valued fuzzy set whose collection of cuts is the given semi-closure system. We also show that for an arbitrary collection of subsets of a nonempty set, there is a semilattice valued fuzzy set whose collection of cuts contains these subsets. Using meet-irreducible elements in a finite meet-semilattice, we give conditions under which all the cuts of a meet-semilattice-valued fuzzy set are different and we describe a representation of the semilattice by the collection of cuts ordered dually by inclusion.
Group of Knowledge : Matematika
Original Language : English
Level : Internasional
Status :
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