Title : A Note on Linearly Independence over the Symmetrized Max-Plus Algebra
Author :

GREGORIA ARIYANTI (1) Dr.rer.nat. Ari Suparwanto, M.Si. (2) Dr. Budi Surodjo, M.Si. (3)

Date : 22 2018
Keyword : the symmetrized max-plus algebra, linearly independence, determinant the symmetrized max-plus algebra, linearly independence, determinant
Abstract : The symmetrized max-plus algebra is an algebraic structure which is a commutative semiring, has a zero element = ????1, the identity element e = 0, and an additively idempotent. Motivated by the the previous study as in conventional linear algebra, in this paper will be described the necessary and sucient condition of linear independent over the symmetrized max-plus algebra. We show that a columns of a matrix over the symmetrized max-plus algebra are linear dependent if and only if the determinat of that matrix is .
Group of Knowledge : Matematika
Original Language : English
Level : Internasional
Status :
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