Title : A novel use of value iteration for deriving bounds for threshold and switching curve optimal policies
Author :

Dr. Dwi Ertiningsih, S.Si., M.Si. (1) Prof. Sandjai Bhulai (2) Prof. Dr. F.M. Spieksma (3)

Date : 28 2018
Keyword : deriving bounds,optimal policies,value iteration deriving bounds,optimal policies,value iteration
Abstract : In this article, we develop a novel role for the initial function v_0 in the value iteration algorithm. In case the optimal policy of a countable state Markovian queueing control problem has a threshold or switching curve structure, we conjecture, that one can tune the choice of v_0 to generate monotonic sequences of n-stage threshold or switching curve optimal policies. We will show this for three queueing control models, the M/M/1 queue with admission and with service control, and the two-competing queues model with quadratic holding cost. As a consequence, we obtain increasingly tighter upper and lower bounds. After a finite number of iterations, either the optimal threshold, or the optimal switching curve values in a finite number of states is available. This procedure can be used to increase numerical efficiency.
Group of Knowledge : Matematika
Original Language : English
Level : Internasional
Status :
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