Title : A Structural Control on the Thermal Manifestations in South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Author :
Date : 0 2020
Abstract : Field campaign for updating thermal manifestations information and their structural pattern at South Sulawesi shows that all (3 sites) of geothermal prospects indicate that the discharging warm spring are associated with the impact of fault interactions that bounded the thermal system. The discharging thermal springs has temperatures range of 38 - 72 oC, mostly neutral pH, and in total of ~ 8 l/s of fluid discharged. Those springs are located at the wrench fault system, i.e. NNE-SSW left lateral of south segment East and West Walanae Faults, which are those in right stepping relationship forming constraining zone. The field finding (fractures pattern, veins & fault breccia) show that fracture striking NNE-SSW are mostly occurring at the vicinity of discharging springs. With referring to E-S compression, the attitude of measured joint at 3 locations (Lejja, Sulili and Wapalae) i.e. NNE-SSW and N-S, are likely a dextral or antithetic component of major sinistral fault of Walanae Fault system.The earthquake swarms are occurring in western part of constraining zone, where the hottest springs (i.e Sulili complex) discharging out. The cluster of deep earthquake (EQ) at northern part of West Walanae Faults is indicating active, and this EQ cluster has been prolonged to control heat and thermal fluid transferred to shallow level. The finding of this work show that not all geothermal field in Indonesia are hosted in volcanic regime, but also controlled by crustal heat.
Group of Knowledge : Bidang Geofisika Lain yang Belum Tercantum
Original Language : English
Level : Internasional
Status :
No Title Document Type Action