Title : A Study Experimental of Design Considerations of Constant Input Current Source
Author :

Dr. Fitri Puspasari, S.Si., M.Sc. (1) Prof. Dr. Sismanto, M.Si. (2) Dr.techn. Ahmad Ashari, M.I.Kom. (3)

Date : 0 2022
Keyword : Current, Voltage, Constant current, Measurement, Resistance Current, Voltage, Constant current, Measurement, Resistance
Abstract : Resistivity geoelectrical method is a method to determine the value of rock resistivity. The measuring tool for resistivity geoelectrical method is a resistivity meter. One of the important features in designing resistivity meter is providing the constant current for various types of resistive loads. The difference on rocks resistance values is caused by the factor of rock types, temperature, and mineral composition. This research is aimed at designing and analyzing a set of constant current source applied at a circuit of current measurement tool based on LM324. To deal with this problem, five variations of current source were built as well as tested. The research shows the constant current was successfully built with five constant current variations with voltage 30V and tested on the loads of 56 Ohm to 1000 KOhm. The test on integrated constant current circuit measurement, and voltage worked properly on resistance (22 – 46000) Ohm.
Group of Knowledge : Fisika
Original Language : English
Level : Internasional
Status :
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