Title : A test of mobile weight-drop for surface wave seismic data acquisition
Author :

Dr. Eddy Hartantyo, M.Si. (1)

Date : 21 2016
Keyword : Seismic sources, Geophysical data analysis, Data acquisition, Seismic waves Seismic sources, Geophysical data analysis, Data acquisition, Seismic waves
Abstract : Design, implementation and test of mobile weight-drop (MWD) could be accomplished. The test was conducted with 8 channel seismic acquisition data logger using 3m spacing and 5m near offsets. Two type of active sources were used (hammer and MWD), as well as passive records. The averaged PSD shows that frequency range was 30-90Hz, wider than a hammer. The peak amplitude of averaged PSD which was found at the frequency 55Hz is 0.2×10-6 dB/Hz. Compared with hammer source, the averaged value of MWD is nearly half, means the energy impact of the hammer is twice compared with MWD. The Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) of averaged PSD of hammer and noise is around 76.2 times or 38dB, otherwise for MWD and noise is 238 times or 47dB. For the MASW purposes, both hammer and MWD shows a similar result, but the hammer source delivering lower frequency than MWD. The accelerated MWD will be designed for the next research.
Group of Knowledge : Geofisika
Level : Internasional
Status :
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3 A test of mobile weight-drop for surface wave seismic data acquisition.pdf
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4 A test of mobile weight-drop for surface wave seismic data acquisition.pdf
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