Title : A Web-based System of Precision Farming based Agricultural Information for Rice Farming Field Consultant in Blora Regency
Author :

Drs. Janoe Hendarto, M.I.Kom. (3)

Date : 2016
Keyword : IntelligentInformation, ICT, system, module, precision farming, decision support system IntelligentInformation, ICT, system, module, precision farming, decision support system
Abstract : The lack for agricultural information or limited information received by most farmers generally in developing countries including Indonesia especially in Blora regency has caused that the farming of paddy field is performed in a speculative way. As a consequence, the product is not maximal. In order to cope with these problems, a fast emerging technology ICT (Information and Communication Technology) is utilized to provide and distribute information starting from a macro plan nationally down to micro level in farming regions. There have been several systems developed by utilizing this technology to provide and give information to farming consultants, and even farmers. This research is about developing a web based integrated system that consists of several modules with their each functionality in assisting farmers to perform and manage their farming activities refered as precision farming or precision agriculture. The simple GIS is one example of the system's modules used to display maps of farm fields deviation, and others (i.e., recommendation modules) are developed by implementing either a DSS or an expert system approaches (or methods). The developed system is intended to assist farming consultants in lecturing and giving information to farmers. The system was tested using black box testing method to see whether its functionalities meet the specifications. The testing was performed for all modules of the system, and the result says that all of them satisfy the specification.
Group of Knowledge : Ilmu Komputer
Original Language : English
Level : Internasional
Status :
No Title Document Type Action