Title : Altitude and Flight Speed Control System on VTOL-Plane UAVs using the LQR method
Author :

Dr.techn. Ahmad Ashari, M.I.Kom. (1) Dr. Andi Dharmawan, S.Si., M.Cs. (2)

Date : 0 2022
Keyword : VTOL-Plane UAV, LQR, Full state, Feedback, PWM, Robust VTOL-Plane UAV, LQR, Full state, Feedback, PWM, Robust
Abstract : A VTOL-Plane UAV has a wide flight speed range. Rotary wings can only fly at very low horizontal translation speeds. Fixed-wing requires a more incredible speed than the stall speed to get enough wing lift. Combined fixed-wing and rotary-wing concepts can fly at speeds below the stall speed. The flight speed determines the amount of wing lift and elevon torque that affects the altitude and attitude of the vehicle. Therefore, the UAV requires robust altitude and flight speed control. The altitude and flight speed control system on the VTOL-Plane UAV is designed to apply the LQR method to finding the full- state feedback gain value. The UAV model simulation is performed to test the results of the control method. Direct testing is carried out on VTOL-Plane flight by converting control output variables into a PWM to regulate brushless motor rotational speed and servos angles to adjust surfaces.
Group of Knowledge : Sistem Informasi Geografi (SIG)
Original Language : English
Level : Internasional
Status :
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1 Altitude and Flight Speed Control System on VTOL-Plane UAVs using the LQR method.pdf
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