Title : Amino Acid Identification of Bombyx mori Fibroin Cocoon As Biomaterial Using Liquid Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry
Author :

SARTIKA PUSPITA (1) Dr. drg. Siti Sunarintyas, M.Kes. (2) Dr. drg. Ema Mulyawati, M.S., Sp.KG(K) (3) Prof. dr. Marsetyawan Heparis Nur Ekandaru M.Sc., Ph.D. (4) Prof. Dr. Chairil Anwar (5)

Date : 12 2019
Keyword : amino acid, Bombyx mori, dental material, fibroin, LCMS amino acid, Bombyx mori, dental material, fibroin, LCMS
Abstract : A fibroin is a natural polymer that serves as a biomaterial because of the mechanical properties, biocompatible, biodegradable and amino acid composition. The mechanical properties of fibroin are influenced by crystalline structures of amino acid and are related to the amino acid composition. it can accelerate the wound healing because it promotes the proliferation of exposure tissue and inhibits inflammation. The study aimed to identify amino acid of Bombyx mori (B. mori) fibroin cocoon as biomaterial that was cultivated in Central Java Indonesia. Liquid Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (LC/MS-Water, USA) was employed. This study found that fibroin of B.mori contains seventeen amino acids and the most abundant amino acid is LValin 4,81% (mg/Kg).
Group of Knowledge :
Level : Internasional
Status :
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1 Amino acid identification of Bombyx mori fibroin cocoon as biomaterial using liquid chromatography_mass spectrometry (1).pdf
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