Title : Analysis of microzonation seismic vulnerability index around Repaking village, Boyolali, Central Java using HVSR method
Author :

Santika Satya Widita (1) Muhammad Aditya Girash (3) Menif Kurniado (4) Theodosius Marwan Irnaka, S.Si., M.Sc., Dr. (4)

Date : 0 2018
Keyword : ambient wave,earthquake,HVSR,microzonation,vulnerability ambient wave,earthquake,HVSR,microzonation,vulnerability
Abstract : Microzonation analysis for seismic vulnerability was aimed to map the earthquake-vulnerable area at Repaking village, Wonosegoro Sub-district, Boyolali region, Central Java. Seismic vulnerability microzonation was done to map the vulnerability of a region based on its ambient seismic wave. The processing method that was used in this study was Horizontal to Vertical Spectrum Ratio (HVSR) method. In this study, HVSR method was used to analyze the site effect parameter prior to the seismic vulnerability. The parameter refers to Sediment Thickness (H) and Seismic Vulnerability Index. Those parameters are defined by generating Natural frequency (Fo) and Amplification Factor (Ao). The output of this study is the distribution of seismic vulnerability, which can give information about the hazard consequences, particularly on earthquake events.
Group of Knowledge :
Level : Internasional
Status :
No Title Document Type Action