Title : Analysis of permeability variation of gas sand reservoir toward the low frequency seismic reflection based on well and seismic data
Author :

Dr. Sudarmaji, M.Si. (1) Prof. Dr. Sismanto, M.Si. (2) Drs. Waluyo, M.Sc., Ph.D. (3) Prof. Dr. Bambang Soedijono Wiriaatmadja (4)

Date : 0 2016
Keyword : Attenuation ,Continuous wavelet transform (CWT),Dispersion,Permeability,Reflectivity,Seismic,Time-frequency analysis Attenuation ,Continuous wavelet transform (CWT),Dispersion,Permeability,Reflectivity,Seismic,Time-frequency analysis
Abstract : It is recognized that permeability variation will control the seismic reflection in low frequency. This study investigate the influence of permeability variation toward the attenuation, phase velocity dispersion and reflectivity of gas sand reservoir using well log, petro physics and production data from real field. The result will be compared to the time-frequency analysis by mean of continuous wavelet transforms (CWT) of seismic data to see the influences of permeability variation to the low frequency seismic reflection. The result of calculation of attenuation, phase velocity dispersion, and reflectivity shows that the reflectivity from higher reservoir permeability is higher than reflectivity from lower reservoir permeability. The result of time-frequency analysis of seismic data shows that energy of low frequency reflection from higher reservoir permeability has higher value than the energy from lower reservoir permeability. Finally, the result of this study will support the possibility to estimate reservoir permeability based on low frequency seismic reflection directly. © Research India Publications.
Group of Knowledge : Fisika
Original Language : English
Level : Internasional
Status :
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