Title : Analysis of the 3D Geothermal Reservoir Model from Anomaly Magnetic Data Using Mag3D. (Case study: Rajabasa Geothermal field, Lampung)
Author :

NANDI HAERUDIN (1) Dr.rer.nat. Wiwit Suryanto, S.Si., M.Si. (3) M Sarkowi (4)

Date : 0 2013
Keyword : reservoir, Mag3D software, Rajabasa geothermal field reservoir, Mag3D software, Rajabasa geothermal field
Abstract : To get a description of reservoirs in the Rajabasa geothermal field, the geomagnetic research has been done. This area covered all geothermal manifestations spread around of Rajabasa Mount. It is about 156 km2 . The total magnetic anomalies directly was modelled using Mag3D software. A Low susceptibility anomaly that was considered as the main reservoir was located at 900 m to 3500 m depth. It’s position is in the southern part of the Rajabasa peak and southwest of Balerang peak and covered three manifestations e.g. Cugung (Bulakan), Kunjir (Way Merak) and Pangkul. This Reservoir is suspected to be a source feeded the geothermal manifestations that appeared in the southern part of geothermal Rajabasa area
Group of Knowledge : Lain-Lain
Level : Internasional
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