Title : AntimicrobialImperata cylindricapaper coated with anionic nanocellulose crosslinked with cationic ions
Author :

Deni Zulfiana (1) AZIZATUL KARIMAH (2) Sita Heris Anita (3) Nanang Masruchin (4) Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Karna Wijaya, M.Eng. (5) Lisman Suryanegara (6) Widya Fatriasari (7) Ahmad Fudholi (8)

Date : 14 2020
Keyword : Antimicrobial,Nanocellulose,Cationic cross-linked,Active packaging,Coating treatment Antimicrobial,Nanocellulose,Cationic cross-linked,Active packaging,Coating treatment
Abstract : Recently, the interest in active packaging utilization has increased with population growth, food demand and new consumer trend like food delivery services. This new system, however, requires the use of additives to extend the food product quality and safety aswell as inmaintaining the shelf-life. This studywas to prepare the antimicrobial paper fromI. cylindricacoated anionic nanocellulose crosslinked cationic to create a system with the ability to actively controlmicrobe growth in the packaging materials. The process involvedpulping ofI. cylindrica using semi-chemical and soda chemicalmethod. The antimicrobial paperwas prepared by printing the pulp suspension in60 g/m 2 grammage in mold followed by the spray of anionic nanocellulose and subsequent soaking of the paper in cationic solution. The results showed theI. cylindricapaper coated anionic nanocellulose crosslinked withH + andAl 3+ cationswere successfully produced. The paper produced was also observed to have antimicrobial activity against Gram-negative ofE. coliandS. typhias well as Gram-positive ofS. aureusandB. subtilisbacteria. Furthermore, the best coating method was found on antimicrobial paper coated anionic nanocellulose crosslinked Al 3+ as evidenced by smoother and compact surface structure
Group of Knowledge : Kimia
Original Language : English
Level : Internasional
Status :
No Title Document Type Action
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