Title : Application of Biogasoline in a Four-stroke Motorcycle Engine
Author :

SUTRISNA SAPUTRA (1) Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Karna Wijaya, M.Eng. (2) Ir. Mudjijana, M.Eng. (3)

Date : 25 2020
Keyword : Fuel,Biogasoline,Engine performance,Exhaust emission Fuel,Biogasoline,Engine performance,Exhaust emission
Abstract : he problems facing the world, in relation to the increasing consumption of petroleum andits limited sources, as well as pollution by fuel-related gases, such as CO, have sparked research onthe application of biogasoline as an environmentally friendly alternative fuel. Our research aimed todetermineengineperformancethroughmixturesofbiogasolineandgasolinetomeasuretorque,power,and fuel consumption rate, and to determine the effect of the mixture on the level of air pollution. Thebiogasoline used was previously prepared from cooking oil through a Cr-zeolite-catalyzed process. Thetesting methods on the fuel mixture as a working substance included engine performance and exhaustemission tests, applied to four-stroke engines with mixtures with gasoline and biogasoline ratios of95:5, 90:10, and 85:15. The engine performance test results showed that the highest values of torque,power, and average effective pressure were of the fuel with a composition of 85:15. CO and HC, the twoemitted gases with high toxicities, based on the air quality standard, should not be more than 5.5%by volume and 2400 ppm, respectively. In this research, the findings indicated that both substances,not exceeding 3.0% by volume and not more than 200 ppm, respectively, are safe and environmentally friendly
Group of Knowledge : Kimia
Original Language : English
Level : Internasional
Status :
No Title Document Type Action
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