Title : Application of Double-Difference Method to Relocate Microearthquake Hypocenter in Wayang Windu Geothermal Field
Author :

M Husni Rizal (1) Drs. Imam Suyanto, M.Si. (2) R.A. Wicaksono (3)

Date : 0 2018
Keyword : Double-Difference,Microearthquake,Geothermal Double-Difference,Microearthquake,Geothermal
Abstract : Microearthquake catalog data of 70 days period in Wayang Windu geothermal field consists of 218 events with scattered seismicity. Catalog data also contains spatial errors value up to hundred of meters and RMS travel time residual up to hundred of milliseconds. Double-difference method to relocate hypocenter of catalog data is applied to acquire a clear seismicity pattern and better hypocenter solution. Hypocenters in catalog data is limited to inner zone of observation station and at certain depths, then 170 events is selected for next step of processing. Furthermore, manual clustering is performed for a group of hypocenters which is located near a certain structure. Repetitive trials is performed during pre-processing in ph2dt and relocation in hypoDD to acquire the correct parameters for hypocenter relocation. From four manually-defined clusters, two of them gave a better solution after relocation, with RMS travel time residuals that decline up to tenth of milliseconds. Relocated hypocenters move toward a certain structure and form a clear pattern of seismicity. A clear seismicity pattern is located in northern part of Wayang Windu field, with the strike of N345oE and 80o eastward dip, extending from 0 m to -800 m in elevation.
Group of Knowledge :
Level : Internasional
Status :
No Title Document Type Action