Title : Application of the CO2 Laser Photoacoustic Spectroscopy in Detecting Ammonia Gas (NH3) in Liver Disease Patient’s Breath
Author :

Prof. Dr. Mitrayana, S.Si., M.Si. (1) Muhamad Azhar Ma’arif (2) Dr. Moh. Ali Joko Wasono, M.S. (3) dr. Mohammad Robikhul Ikhsan, Sp.PD., K-EMD., M.Kes. (4) Mirza Satriawan, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D. (5)

Date : 12 2020
Keyword : CO2 laser photoacoustic spectroscopy, ammonia, liver CO2 laser photoacoustic spectroscopy, ammonia, liver
Abstract : Using a CO2 laser photoacoustic spectroscopy with intracavity setup and multicomponent method we have done measurement on the ammonia, ehtylene and acetone gas concentrations in the breath of liver disease patients and in the healthy volunteers. The results of multicomponent analysis show that the average concentration of ammonia gas obtained from the breath of liver disease patients and healthy volunteers are (3.27 ± 0.75) and (1.34 ± 0.24) ppm, respectively. The highest and the lowest ammonia gas concentration of liver disease patients are 4.77 and 1.99 ppm. While, the highest and the lowest ammonia gas concentration of healthy volunteers are 1.89 and 1.08 ppm. For the ethylene and acetone concentrations, we found no significant difference between the average concentrations in the liver disease patients and in the healthy volunteers.
Group of Knowledge : Fisika
Original Language : English
Level : Internasional
Status :
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