Title : Auto-Configuration of Wireless Sensor Networks on Area Border Pole
Author :

Triyogatama Wahyu Widodo, M.Kom. (1) SIGIT DIANTORO (2)

Date : 0 2014
Keyword : mobile ad-hoc networks, token ring, wireless sensor network, haversine, Xbee mobile ad-hoc networks, token ring, wireless sensor network, haversine, Xbee
Abstract : Research on mobile ad-hoc networks (MANET) is one of wireless sensor networks (WSN) technology development. Any routing methods have been researched, one is token ring technique. This technique use principle of ring that every node is connected one direction with the other, so make the ring topology. Based on that development, it was made an auto-configuration system of wireless sensor network that have ability to autonomous server/client, giving destination of node, data package synchronization, and detect node in or node out with autonomous and dynamic. Application of WSN is also touch any science sector. One is WSN’s usage on area border pole that have ability to count perimeter and area base on location of pole, with help from haversine method to know the distance between the pole and matrix formula to count the area. Pole is node that arranged from sensing unit, computation unit, and communication unit. With GPS module as sensing unit, ATmega128 as computation unit, and Xbee module as communication unit. The result is a protocol of auto-configuration that applicated on area border pole, with ability to count perimeter and area. The sistem was tested and get the result by node behavior that have embedd the protocol.
Group of Knowledge : Fisika
Original Language : Bahasa Indonesia
Level : Nasional
Status :
No Title Document Type Action