Title : Blood pressure monitoring system: real time-continuous and noninvasive-electronic, based on magnetic dipole moment of the proton spin of hydrogen atoms in the blood
Author :

Dr. Bambang Murdaka Eka Jati, MS. (1) Prof. Dr. Agung Bambang Setio Utomo, S.U. (2) Dr. Drs. Guntur Maruto, S.U. (3) Drs. Yosef Robertus Utomo, S.U. (4)

Date : 0 2020
Keyword : - -
Abstract : This research is motivated by the fact that blood pressure monitoring devices currently available cannot be integrated practically with other electronic health monitoring devices. The research is aimed to obtain a real time-continuous and noninvasive-electronic blood pressure monitoring system with a magnetic coil technique. This technique is a simplified form of the nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) technique because the induced EMF that is obtained does not involve resonance but rather by sudden population changes and relaxation of the magnetic dipole moments of the proton spin of hydrogen atoms in the blood, both when systole and diastole. The benefit of this research output is that it can obtain noninvasive-electronic blood pressure monitoring devices, and the monitoring process does not interfere with blood flow in the branchial artery samples, so that the monitoring equipment can be integrated with other health monitoring equipment practically. The methodology of this research was carried out by placing a sample arm between two poles of a permanent magnet with a magnitude (7,300±200) gauss and his or her hand inside the receiver coil (involving 2,000 turns), after going through a 500 times voltage gain an induction EMF (in volts) was displayed on digital storage oscilloscope screen. This is done when the sample is relaxed (17 volts is obtained), shortly after jogging (26 volts), and the relaxed state a few moments later (12 volts). The result is that the induced EMF signal enlarges and widens shortly after jogging but slides back when the sample return to relaxed. It was concluded that this blood pressure monitoring equipment of the magnetic-coil technique could be used as a blood pressure monitor.
Group of Knowledge : Fisika
Original Language : English
Level : Internasional
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