Title : Bose-like Condensation in Half Bose Half Fermi and in Fuzzy Bose-Fermi Statistics
Author :

Mirza Satriawan, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D. (1)

Date : 0 2007
Keyword : Bose-like condensation,intermediate statistics,quantum statistics Bose-like condensation,intermediate statistics,quantum statistics
Abstract : We present new particle statistics intermediate between Bose and Fermi statistics, namely the half-Bose half-Fermi statistics and the Fuzzy Bose-Fermi statistics. The two statistics have Hilbert spaces that are invariant under particle permutation operation, and obeying cluster decomposition. Additionally the Fuzzy Bose-Fermi statistics can have small deviation from Bose statistics and interpolate between the Bose and Fermi statistics. Starting from the grand canonical partition function of both statistics, we could obtained thermodynamics properties for the case of free non interacting particles (ideal gas). In particular, we show a Bose-like condensation for both statistics, in which the critical temperatures are lower than the Bose case.
Group of Knowledge : Lain-Lain
Level : Internasional
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