Title : Breaking an L − R Symmetry Model – a Preliminary Study
Author :

Mirza Satriawan, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D. (1)

Date : 28 2007
Keyword : extended standard model,left-right symmetry,Higgs fields,neutrino mass extended standard model,left-right symmetry,Higgs fields,neutrino mass
Abstract : I have done a preliminary study of a left right symmetry model, with one bidoublet and one doublet Higgs fields, with a potential that can provide an up-down asymmetric ground states and a mechanism to distinguish the left-right SU(2) gauge fields, where the right current suppression comes from a very high mass of the WR. The fermion mass generation is provided by a Yukawa coupling with the Higgs bidoublet, and only Dirac mass are assumed to be exist.
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Level : Nasional
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