Title : Case-Based Reasoning for Stroke Disease Diagnosis
Author :

NELSON RUMUI (1) Prof. Drs. Agus Harjoko, M.Sc., Ph.D. (2) Aina Musdholifah, S.Kom., M.Kom. Ph.D (3)

Date : 0 2018
Keyword : case-based reasoning,jaccard coefficient,siriraj,stroke,dense index case-based reasoning,jaccard coefficient,siriraj,stroke,dense index
Abstract : Stroke is a type of cerebrovascular disease that occurs because blood flow to the brain is disrupted. Examination of stroke accurately using CT scan, but the tool is not always available, so it can be done by the Siriraj Score. Each type of stroke has similar symptoms so doctors should re-examine similar cases prior to diagnosis. The hypothesis of the Case-based reasoning (CBR) method is a similar problems having similar solution. This research implements CBR concept using Siriraj score, dense index and Jaccard Coeficient method to perform similarity calculation between cases. The test is using k-fold cross validation with 4 fold and set values of threshold (0.65), (0.7), (0.75), (0.8), (0.85), (0.9), and (0.95). Using 45 cases of data test and 135 cases of case base. The test showed that threshold of 0.7 is suitable to be applied in sensitivity (89.88%) and accuracy (84.44% for CBR using indexing and 87.78% for CBR without indexing). Threshold of 0.65 resulted high sensitivity and accuracy but showed many cases of irrelevant retrieval results. Threshold (0.75), (0.8), (0.85), (0.9) and (0.95) resulted in sensitivity (65.48%, 59.52%, 5.95%, 3,57% and 0%) and accuracy of CBR using indexing (61.67%, 55.56%, 5.56%, 3.33%, and 0%) and accuracy of CBR without indexing (62.78V.67%, 55.56%, 5.56%, 3.33%, and 0%).
Group of Knowledge : Ilmu Komputer
Original Language : English
Level : Nasional
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1 26331-78360-1-PB.pdf
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2 2018_Case-Based Reasoning for Stroke Disease Diagnosis.pdf
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