Title : Characteristic Exponent of Normal and Oblique Rolls in Homeotropically Aligned Nematic Liquid Crystal
Author :

VIERTA SARASWATI (1) Dr.Eng. Fahrudin Nugroho, S.Si., M.Si. (2)

Date : 13 2018
Keyword : - -
Abstract : Soft-mode turbulence (SMT) is one of an experimental example of spatiotemporal chaos, observed in electroconvection system of homeotropically aligned nematic liquid crystal (NLC), due to a non-linear interaction between Nambu-Goldstone mode denoted by the C(r)- director and the convective mode q(r). There are two types of stripe patterns in the SMT, namely normal rolls (NR) and oblique rolls (OR) which separated by a point of applied frequency, called the Lifshitz frequency (fL). We report a study of the phase transition from normal to oblique rolls by observing the patterns with an applied frequency below and beyond of fL. The temporal fluctuations of the pattern images had been analyzed using autocorrelation function. It fits with Kohlrausch Williams Watts (KWW) function, showing there is a dynamical glass-forming liquid in the transition of NR-OR regime. Also, we found a new type of defect in the NR regime which never been reported before, a dynamic defect which takes the shape of a ring first to a spot in the end.
Group of Knowledge : Fisika
Original Language : English
Level : Internasional
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1 Saraswati_2018_J__Phys_%3A_Conf__Ser__1011_012051.pdf
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