Title : Characterizations of Pointwise Pseudometrics via Pointwise Closed-Ball Systems
Author :

Chong Shen (1) Yi Shi (2) Fu-Gui Shi (3) Hadrian Andradi, M.Sc., Ph.D. (4)

Date : 5 2022
Keyword : L -fuzzy number, L-fuzzy real line, L-topology, pointwise closed-ball system, pointwise pseudoquasi-metric L -fuzzy number, L-fuzzy real line, L-topology, pointwise closed-ball system, pointwise pseudoquasi-metric
Abstract : Pointwise pseudoquasi-metrics play an important role in the theory of lattice-valued topology ( L -topology). Bearing in mind that closed balls and their relations with pseudoquasi-metrics have historically attracted the attention of mathematicians, it is very surprising that no attention has been paid to the relations between pointwise pseudoquasi-metrics and closed balls. In this article, we first introduce the concept of pointwise closed-ball systems and prove that the eesulting category is isomorphic to that of pointwise pseudoquasi-metrics. Subsequently, we study the topological properties of pointwise pseudoquasi-metrics via pointwise closed-ball systems. Interestingly, the L -topologies defined by open sets and complements of closed sets coincide for any pointwise pseudometric. Finally, we expose an important theoretical application of the pointwise closed-systems in providing a different and relatively simpler proof of the celebrated metrization theorem of the L -fuzzy real line.
Group of Knowledge : Matematika
Original Language : English
Level : Internasional
Status :
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