Title : Chemical Modification of Montmorillonite K10 and Its Catalytic Activity
Author :

Serly Jolanda Sekewael (1) Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Karna Wijaya, M.Eng. (2) Prof. Dr. Triyono, S.U. (3)

Date : 31 2020
Keyword : Acidity,Catalytic activity,Montmorillonite K10,Silica,Zirconia Acidity,Catalytic activity,Montmorillonite K10,Silica,Zirconia
Abstract : Montmorillonite K10 (Mt-K10) was chemically modified using a silica-zirconia mixture and the resulting product was named SZMK. The product had an increased total surface acidity, catalytic activity, porosity, and thermal stability. Ammonia adsorption tests and further verification with FTIR and TGA/DTA showed that the acidity of SZMK was higher (0.16 mmol/g) than that of Mt-K10. Catalytic performance was analyzed on the esterification reaction of lauric acid. Refluxing lauric acid and methanol (molar ratio of 1:20) for 20 h with a 20 % (w/w) catalyst showed that catalytic activity of SZMK is high, i.e.methyl laurate production 98.18% (w/w) was achieved.
Group of Knowledge : Kimia
Original Language : English
Level : Internasional
Status :
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