Title : Color-Light Multi Cascade Network for Single Image Depth Prediction on One Perspective Artifact Images.
Author :

Dr. techn. Aufaclav Zatu Kusuma Frisky S.Si., M.Sc. (1) Sebastian Zambanini (3) Robert Sablatnig (4)

Date : 11 2022
Keyword : Multi cascade, depth prediction,single image,different light,different material Multi cascade, depth prediction,single image,different light,different material
Abstract : Different color material and extreme lighting change pose a problem for single image depth prediction on archeological artifacts. These conditions can lead to misprediction on the surface of the foreground depth reconstruction. We propose a new method, the Color-Light Multi-Cascade Network, to overcome single image depth prediction limitations under these influences. Two feature extractions based on Multi-Cascade Networks (MCNet) are trained to deal with light and color problems individually for this new approach. By concatenating both of the features, we create a new architecture capable of reducing both color and light problems. Three datasets are used to evaluate the method with respect to color and lighting variations. Our experiments show that the individual Color-MCNet can improve the performance in the presence of color variations and fails to handle extreme light changes; the Light-MCNet, on the other hand, shows consistent results under changing lighting conditions but lacks detail. When joining the feature maps of Color-MCNet and Light-MCNet, we obtain a detailed surface both in the presence of different material colors in relief images, and under different lighting conditions. These results prove that our networks outperform state-of-the-art in limited number dataset. Finally, we also evaluate our joined network on the NYU Depth V2 Dataset to compare it with other state-of-the-art methods and obtain comparable performance.
Group of Knowledge :
Level : Internasional
Status :
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