Title : Common fixed points of asymptotically regular semigroups equipped with generalized lipschitzian conditions
Author :

Muhamad Najibufahmi (1) Atok Zulijanto, S.Si.,M.Si.,Ph.D. (2)

Date : 0 2018
Keyword : Asymptotically regular semigroup,Common fixed point,Generalized Lipschitzian semigroup,Opial condition,Uniformly convex Banach space Asymptotically regular semigroup,Common fixed point,Generalized Lipschitzian semigroup,Opial condition,Uniformly convex Banach space
Abstract : We use the generalized Lipschitzian condition as employed by Imdad and Soliman [M. Imdad, A.H. Soliman, On uniformly generalized Lipschitzian mappings, Fixed Point Theory Appl., 2010(2010), Article ID 692401] to extend the Lipschitzian condition which was used on the common fixed point theorems for one parameter semigroups of asymptotically regular mappings in Banach spaces by several authors before. Our results extend some relevant common fixed point theorems due to the works of Górnicki [J. Górnicki, Fixed points of asymptotically regular semigroups in Banach spaces, Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo (2), XLVI(1997), 89-118] and Wi?nicki [A. Wi?nicki, On the structure of fixed-point sets of asymptotically regular semigroups, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 393(2012), 177-184].
Group of Knowledge : Matematika
Original Language : English
Level : Internasional
Status :
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