Title : Composite of magnetite-oleic acid-chitosan: sonochemical synthesis and characterization
Author :

Drs. Suyanta M.Si (1) Dr. Sutarno, M.Si. (2) Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Nuryono, M.S. (3) HESTI KUSUMANINGRUM (4) LIA KURNIA (5)

Date : 2017
Keyword : Chitosan, composite, magnetite, oleic acid Chitosan, composite, magnetite, oleic acid
Abstract : The aim of this research was to utilize the waste of shrimp shell as starting material in the synthesis of (magnetite - oleic acid –chitosan) composite, which could be used as an adsorbent of poisoning heavy metals. Magnetite was synthesized by coprecipitation method, in which solution of NH4OH was added into the solution containing a mixture of Fe3+/Fe2+ (molar ratio 2:1) until pH 11.5. The black sediment of magnetite was filtered, washed and dried. The product was then modyfied with oleic acid. Chitosan was prepared by deasetilization of chitin, whereas chitin was extracted from shirmp shell which involved some steps, i.e.: deproteinization, demineralization and depigmentazion. In the synthesis of composite, 0.5 g of chitosan and 1.5 g of modyfied magnetite were introduced into 100 mL of 2% acetic acid solution, followed by sonication treatment for 10 min and magnetic stirring for 20 min. Furthermore, solution of 2% glutaraldehide was added into the mixture at temperature of 40 oC for 3 h in order to perform the cross-linkage reaction. The composite was collected by magnetic separation, and then was washed with distilled water and ethanol in a row. The product was dried and characterized by XRD, FTIR, TEM and VSM mehods. The result showed that the composite has magnetic property with about 15 nm of paritcle size with high saturation magnetization (43.378 emu/g).
Group of Knowledge :
Level : Internasional
Status :
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