Title : Compositional Performability Evaluation for STATEMATE
Author :

Eckard Böde (1) Marc Herbstritt (2) Holger Hermanns (3) Sven Johr (4) Thomas Peikenkamp (5) Prof. Dr.-Ing. Mhd. Reza M. I. Pulungan, S.Si., M.Sc. (6) Ralf Wimmer (7) Bernd Becker (8)

Date : 0 2006
Keyword : statemate statemate
Abstract : This paper reports on our efforts to link an industrial state-of-the-art modelling tool to academic state-of-the-art analysis algorithms. In a nutshell, we enable timed reachability analysis of uniform continuous-time Markov decision processes, which are generated from STATEMATE models. We give a detailed explanation of several construction, transformation, reduction, and analysis steps required to make this possible. The entire tool flow has been implemented, and it is applied to a nontrivial example.
Group of Knowledge : Ilmu Komputer
Level : Internasional
Status :
No Title Document Type Action