Title : Counterexample Generation for Ping-Pong Protocols Security Checking Algorithm
Author :

Erwin Eko Wahyudi (1) Prof. Dr.-Ing. Mhd. Reza M. I. Pulungan, S.Si., M.Sc. (2)

Date : 0 2018
Keyword : protocol security,counterexamples,ping-pong protocol,cryptography protocol security,counterexamples,ping-pong protocol,cryptography
Abstract : An improperly designed protocol for sending a message could be vulnerable to an active attacker. A protocol for sending a message is called secure if any attacker cannot obtain the original message. If a protocol is unsecure, an attacker may perform some operations to obtain the original message. Dolev et al. proposed an algorithm to check the security of ping-pong protocols using nondeterministic finite automata. In this paper, we propose an algorithm for generating counterexamples of unsecure protocols by storing the counterexamples using dynamic programming technique.
Group of Knowledge :
Level : Internasional
Status :
No Title Document Type Action