Title : Critical Temperature Difference of a Standing Wave Thermoacoustic Prime mover with Various Helium-Based Binary-Mixture Working Gases
Author :

Ikhsan Setiawan, S.Si., M.Si. (1) Makoto Nohtomi (2) Masafumi Katsuta (3)

Date : 0 2015
Keyword : thermoacoustic,prime mover,binary mixture gas,helium-based thermoacoustic,prime mover,binary mixture gas,helium-based
Abstract : Thermoacoustic prime movers are energy conversion devices which convert thermal energy into acoustic work. The devices are environmentally friendly because they do not produce any exhaust gases. In addition, they can utilize clean energy such as solar-thermal energy or waste heat from internal combustion engines as the heat sources. The output mechanical work of thermoacoustic prime movers are usually used to drive a thermoacoustic refrigerator or to generate electricity. A thermoacoustic prime mover with low critical temperature difference is desired when we intend to utilize low quality of heat sources such as waste heat and sun light. The critical temperature difference can be significantly influenced by the kinds of working gases inside the resonator and stack's channels of the device. Generally, helium gas is preferred as the working gas due to its high sound speed which together with high mean pressure will yield high acoustic power per unit volume of the device. Moreover, adding a small amount of a heavy gas to helium gas may improve the efficiency of thermoacoustic devices. This paper presents numerical study and estimation of the critical temperature differences of a standing wave thermoacoustic prime mover with various helium-based binary-mixture working gases. It is found that mixing helium (He) gas with other common gases, namely argon (Ar),
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Level : Internasional
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