Title : Crystal growth of the core and rotated epitaxial shell of a heterometallic metal-organic framework revealed with atomic force microscopy
Author :

Fajar Inggit Pambudi, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D. (1) Michael W Anderson (2) Martin Atffield (3)

Date : 0 2021
Keyword : crystal growth,core shell,MOFs,AFM crystal growth,core shell,MOFs,AFM
Abstract : Atomic force microscopy has been used determine the surface crystal growth of two isostructural metal organic frameworks, [Zn2(ndc)2(dabco)] (ndc = 1,4-naphthalene dicarboxylate, dabco = 4-diazabicyclo[2.2.2]octane) (1) and [Cu2(ndc)2(dabco)] (2) from a core crystal of 1 for the former and a core-shell 1@2 crystal for the latter. AFM studies show that the surface terrace morphology expressed is a function of supersaturation with steps parallel to both the <100> and <110> directions being expressed at higher supersaturation for 1 and those with steps parallel to the <110> directions being expressed solely at low supersaturation for 1 and 2. The crystal growth mechanism for both 1 and 2 is essentially identical and involves 2D nucleation and spreading of 0.5 nm high metastable sub-layers of the stable extended 1.0 nm high growth terrace. Surface growth features of 2 indicate that there is an in-plane rotational epitaxy between 2 and 1 of 5.9(7) o that maybe directed by the synthesis conditions and that intimate mixtures of different domains of ± 5.9(7) o rotational epitaxy are not observed to coexist on the micron scale on the shell surface. The results provide potential routes and understanding to fabricate MOFs of different crystal form and defect structures necessary for future advanced function of these versatile materials.
Group of Knowledge : Kimia
Original Language : English
Level : Internasional
Status :
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