Title : Dark Matter World in A New Mirror Model
Author :

Mirza Satriawan, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D. (1)

Date : 25 2013
Keyword : mirror model,dark matter mirror model,dark matter
Abstract : A modified mirror model based on Foot's mirror model is proposed. The gauge group of the model is the same as the original mirror model, i.e SU(3)xSU(3)xSU(2)_LxSU(2)_RxU(1)_YxU(1)_X, but with different assignment for the U(1)'s gauges. For the standard model particles (plus a righthanded neutrino) X=Y, while for the mirror particles X=-Y. In this way there is no coupling between the SU(2)-singlet fermions, except for the neutrinos. The model is free of (chiral) anomaly. Different from the usual LRS model or the usual mirror model, the electric charge operator is given by Q=T3_L+ (Y+X)/4, and as a consequence all mirror particles are electrically neutral. Some of these electrically neutral mirror particles interact with each other through a mirror photon that could be massive. While for mirror quarks they interact strongly with an analog of strong interaction in the mirror sector, forming in the current low energy limit an analog of proton and neutron, but with larger masses. In the case when the mirror photon is massive, there is no atomic and other chemical compound that can form in the mirror sector, thereby forming a different world reality than ours.
Group of Knowledge :
Level : Nasional
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