Title : Design of modulation frequency regulator to optimize the green laser photoacoustic spectroscopy
Author :

Frida Agung Rakhmadi (1) Prof. Dr. Mitrayana, S.Si., M.Si. (2) M Alif Alifin (3)

Date : 27 2019
Keyword : modulation frequency regulator,green laser,photoacoustic spectroscopy modulation frequency regulator,green laser,photoacoustic spectroscopy
Abstract : Research on the design of modulation frequency regulator has been done. This research was an optimization effort of the green laser photoacoustic spectroscopy that has been made before. This research aimed to make and to test frequency modulation regulator system. The regulator system was made using frequency regulator circuit integrated with a laser modulator and a green laser. The testing of the modulation frequency control system was done using an oscilloscope. The results showed that the frequency modulation regulator system was successfully made with the test results showed 100.00% of accuracy and 99.53% of precision at frequency range 50?Hz - 3000?Hz with an interval of 50?Hz.
Group of Knowledge :
Level : Nasional
Status :
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