Title : Design of New Potential Antimalaria Compound Based on QSAR Analysis of Chalcone Derivatives
Author :

Dr.rer.nat. Ria Armunanto, S.Si, M.Si. (1) Prof. Drs. Bambang Purwono, M.Sc., Ph.D. (2) JUFRIZAL SYAHRI (3)

Date : 0 2016
Keyword : Antimalaria, Chalcone, QSAR Analysis. Antimalaria, Chalcone, QSAR Analysis.
Abstract : Quantitative structure and activity relationship (QSAR) analysis was the sophisticated method in rational drug design, based on combination of statistical and computational chemistry calculations. Electronic and molecular descriptors for 31 chalcone derivatives were calculated using DFT/B3LYP. The best obtained QSAR equation was determined by multiple linear regression was log pIC50 = 30.719 (qC6) – 44.913 (qC7) – 101.702 (qC8) – 89.497 (qO16) ?37.408 (ELUMO) – 67.188. The equation has 95% conviction level with the statistical parameters n = 31, r = 0.968, r2 = 0.937, adjusted r2 = 0.920, SEE = 0.096, Fcalc/Ftable = 21.712 and PRESS = 0.174. This model was used to design 7 new potential antimalaria compounds of chalcone derivatives with the best log pIC50 value is ?5.106; ?6.421 and ?8.305.
Group of Knowledge : Kimia
Original Language : English
Level : Internasional
Status :
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1 2016-QSAR-Global Research Online-Jurnal Jufrizal.pdf
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