Title : Detection of Dissociation and Association Effects of NO2 – NO Gases by Laser-based Photoacoustic and Wavelength Modulation Spectroscopy Methods
Author :

Prof. Dr. Mitrayana, S.Si., M.Si. (1) T. Pierera (2) S. Persijn (3) S.M. Cristescu (4) Frans J.M. Harren (5) Dr. Moh. Ali Joko Wasono, M.S. (6) Prof. Dr. dr. Wasilah Rochmah, Sp.PD., K.GER. (7)

Date : 18 2012
Keyword : Photoacoustic spectroscopy,wavelength modulation spectroscopy Photoacoustic spectroscopy,wavelength modulation spectroscopy
Abstract : Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) belongs to the family of nitrogen oxides (NOx). It occurs naturally in the atmosphere, but it is also produced anthropogenically by e.g. burning of gasoline, coal, oil and other fuels as well as in power plants and burning of natural material. Recently, efforts toward the development of simple and reliable devices have been increased with the aim to control air pollution and to detect toxic gases at low levels in the air, in the field of domestic and industrial applications. Laser based trace gas sensors have been used to monitor NOx emissions from individual vehicles, as well as variations in air pollution over cities, thereby demonstrating that they can make contributions to manage air quality. In this paper, we present a simple, low cost, compact, and standalone NO2 - NO detection system based on laser photoacoustic and wavelength modulation spectroscopy. The performance of the violet diode and Quantum Cascade laser-driven for photoacoustic and wavelength modulation system, respectively, was explored and the sensors were applied to monitor of the dissociation and association effects of the NO2 and NO. That’s set-up have a detection limit 20 ppbv at STP for NO2 and 0.8 ppbv for NO.
Group of Knowledge :
Level : Nasional
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