Title : Deteksi Salmonella sp pada Meat and Bone Meals (MBM) yang Diinkubasi Selama 24 Jam pada Suhu Ruang Menggunakan Electronic Nose
Author :
Date : 2 2021
Abstract : Meat and Bone Meal (MBM) is a source of protein in animal feed that needs monitoring of the content of Salmonella sp. This is because Salmonella sp often contaminates feed ingredients such as MBM and fish meal. Methods of detection and identification of microorganisms, usually using conventional methods that take a long time. Other methods that are molecularly faster are relatively difficult, and require specialists. Bacterial growth produces organic substances, namely Volatile Organic Compouns (VOCs). The resulting VOCs are characterized as an aroma fingerprint. One alternative method, to detect the presence of microorganisms quickly, reliably and without the use of reagents is to use the Electronic Nose (E-nose). The purpose of this study was to detect the presence or absence of Salmonella sp on MBM using the E-nose developed by Fismatel, Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UGM. This study used 50 MBM samples, the sample was weighed as much as 10 grams, then sterilized. MBM was divided into two as control (negative) and treatment (inoculated S. typhimurium). The MBM was put in a 50 ml beaker then the treatment sample was inoculated using S. typhimurium strain ATCC 14028 with a concentration of 103CFU / ml. The inoculated MBM was then incubated at room temperature for 24 hours and then the VOCs was detected using the E-nose. Data analysis usedmethods Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Lininear Discriminant Analysis (LDA). The results show that the E-nose has an accuracy of 84.8% using the PCA method, while the LDA method has anaccuracy E-nose reaching 95%. The electronic nose developed by Fismatel UGM can detect the presence of S typhimurium on the MBM with high accuracy.
Group of Knowledge : Kedokteran Hewan
Original Language : Bahasa Indonesia
Level : Internasional
Status :
No Title Document Type Action