Title : Determination of the existence of rock cavities method based on geoelectric method (2D) in the karangputih hill indarung west sumatra Indonesia
Author :

AGUS SANTOSO (1) Prof. Dr. Sismanto, M.Si. (2) Dr. Ing. Ari Setiawan, M.Si. (3) Prof. Dr. Ir. Subagyo Pramumijoyo, DEA., IPU. (4) Indriati Retno Palupi (5)

Date : 0 2016
Keyword : Cavity, Dipole dipole, Geoelectric, RES2DINV program, Resistivity Cavity, Dipole dipole, Geoelectric, RES2DINV program, Resistivity
Abstract : Geoelectric dipole dipole method (2D) is used to determine the formations that are conducive in the earth, the purpose of this study is to describe (configuration) geology below the surface resistivity that is high in areas of potential is estimated there are cavities in rocks. In the method of dipole dipole resistivity electrical current injected into the earth through the current electrode, then the potential difference arising measured via two electrode potential. From these measurements for different electrode spacing can then be lowered resistivity variations in the price of each of the layers below the measuring point. Interpretation is done by software RES2DINV, the end result that best represent each region will each be analyzed geologically (qualitative) and quantitatively, the end result is: the cavity below the surface can be determined based on the amount of value resisitivitas rock> 6000 ohm meter, the greater the resistivity then the greater the hollow cavity in the rock. While the resistivity value Cracks have 4000-6000 ohm-meter. © Research India Publications.
Group of Knowledge : Geofisika
Original Language : English
Level : Internasional
Status :
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1 ijaerv11n4_130 Agus.pdf
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2 Determination of the Existence of Rock Cavities Method Based on Geoelectric Method (2D) in the Karangputih Hill Indarung West Sumatra Indonesia.pdf
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3 REV-CS-Determination of the Existence of Rock Cavities Method Based on Geoelectric Method (2D).pdf
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