Title : Development of a hydroxyapatite nanoparticle-based gel for enamel remineralization —A physicochemical properties and cell viability assay analysis
Author :

MONA SARI (1) Dewi Monica Ramadhanti (2) Rizki Amalina (3) Dr. Chotimah, M.Si. (4) Prof. drg. Ika Dewi Ana, M.Kes., Ph.D. (5) Prof. Dr. Eng. Yusril Yusuf, S.Si., M.Si., M.Eng. (6)

Date : 28 2021
Keyword : Nano-hydroxyapatite, Gel HA-Abalone, Enamel, Remineralization Nano-hydroxyapatite, Gel HA-Abalone, Enamel, Remineralization
Abstract : Nano-hydroxyapatite (nHA) was synthesized from abalone mussel shells (Haliotis asinina) using a precipitation method, and gel HA-Abalone was developed using the carbomer materials with concentrations of 0, 10, 20, 30, and 40 wt%. The specimens used were 25 freshly extracted caries-free premolar teeth, and the treatment was done twice a day for 14 days. Gel HA-Abalone 20 wt%, with a crystallite size of 14.70±1.21 nm, was the best concentration to achieve the best remineralization (~863 VHN) of the superficial layer. Based on the results of cell viability assay on gel HA-Abalone 20 wt%, the growth of NIH/3T3 cells was inhibited beginning at a gel concentration of 1,000 µg/mL, and the half maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) value was 1,497 µg/mL. Based on to the one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), the result reflected statistically significant differences in the average of the cell viability and enamel surface microhardness values (p<0.05).
Group of Knowledge : Bidang IPA Lain Yang Belum Tercantum
Original Language : English
Level : Internasional
Status :
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