Title : Development of the STEM ISCIT Model that Focuses on Professional and Pedagogical Improvement of Prospective Physics Teachers
Author :

Dian Artha K (1) Dr.Eng. Fahrudin Nugroho, S.Si., M.Si. (2)

Date : 8 2022
Keyword : STEM, ISCIT Pedagogic Competence STEM, ISCIT Pedagogic Competence
Abstract : This research aims to produce an effective STEM ISCIT learning model to improve the pedagogic competence and professional competence of Physics Education students. This research goes through the stages of development, namely define, design, development and dissemination. The trial phase involved 60 students of the Ahmad Dahlan University Physics Education Study Program and Yogyakarta State University. This research has produced an ISCIT STEM learning model to support the improvement of pedagogic competence and professional students. The measurement results revealed differences in the pedagogic and professional competency tests in the experimental and control classes of UAD subjects with an average number of 87.03 and 45.44 against the effective ISCIT STEM learning model. Furthermore, the UNY test with a total of 91.18 and 52.82. Based on the N-gain value for the experimental class, UNY subjects were 91.18% in the effective category and 52.80% in the control class in the less effective category. Meanwhile, for UAD subjects, the experimental class of UNY subjects was 87.03% in the effective category and 45.43% in the control class in the less effective category.
Group of Knowledge :
Level : Nasional
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