Title : Dielectric constant extraction of graphene nanostructured on SiC substrates from spectroscopy ellipsometry measurement using Gauss–Newton inversion method
Author :

HERVIN MAULINA (1) Dr. Iman Santoso, S.Si., M.Sc. (2) EMMISTASEGA SUBAMA (3) Prof. Drs. Pekik Nurwantoro, M.S., Ph.D. (4) Prof. Dr. Kamsul Abraha (5) Andrivo Rusydi (6)

Date : 0 2016
Keyword : - -
Abstract : The extraction of the dielectric constant of nanostructured graphene on SiC substrates from spectroscopy ellipsometry measurement using the Gauss-Newton inversion (GNI) method has been done. This study aims to calculate the dielectric constant and refractive index of graphene by extracting the value of ψ and Δ from the spectroscopy ellipsometry measurement using GNI method and comparing them with previous result which was extracted using Drude-Lorentz (DL) model. The results show that GNI method can be used to calculate the dielectric constant and refractive index of nanostructured graphene on SiC substratesmore faster as compared to DL model. Moreover, the imaginary part of the dielectric constant values and coefficient of extinction drastically increases at 4.5 eV similar to that of extracted using known DL fitting. The increase is known due to the process of interband transition and the interaction between the electrons and electron-hole at M-points in the Brillouin zone of graphene.
Group of Knowledge : Fisika
Original Language : English
Level : Internasional
Status :
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1 Dielectric.pdf
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2 Dielectric constant extraction of graphene nanostructured on SiC substrates from spectroscopy ellipsometry measurement using Gauss–Newton inversion method.pdf
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3 Iman_Santoso_Prosiding_7_Maulina_Santoso_Rusydi_AIPProc1725_020046(2016)_korespondensi.pdf
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