Title : Direct Computational Methode of The Angular-Momentum Coupling Coefficients
Author :

Prof. Drs. Pekik Nurwantoro, M.S., Ph.D. (1)

Date : 0 2009
Keyword : Coupling coefficients, factorial forms, recurrence relation, continued fraction, orthonormality relation. Coupling coefficients, factorial forms, recurrence relation, continued fraction, orthonormality relation.
Abstract : Coupling or addition of several angular momentum plays an important role on the description of many body problems related to the quantum theory of angular momentum and rotation matrices. The angular-momentum coupling coefficients are defined as the expansion coefficients of vector space in the coupling representation into the uncoupling representation, and vice versa. For some small values of angular momentum, such coefficients can be analytically calculated by their algebraic expressions. For some large values of angular momentum, however, computation of such coefficients using their algebraic expressions are known to be inefficient and numerically unstable because of the involvement of many factorial forms. To solve this problem, the direct computational method of such coefficients has been accomplished by simplifying certain factorial forms. Fast computation is achieved by systematically taking advantage the recurrence relation between two successive terms in the summation relation. This computation approach eventually guarantees that the overflow problem, because of the evaluation of very big integer number, will be omitted. To reproduce the same form of analytical results, our final results are represented in the rational forms, as an approximation to the floating point results, by using the continued fraction method. The accuracy of our computation results can be shown by the nonexistence of deviation compared to any known analytical results for small values of angular momentum. For arbitrary values, the accuracy of our results can be confirmed by the fulfillment of the orthonormality relation of the angular momentum coupling coefficients
Group of Knowledge :
Level : Internasional
Status :
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