Title : Drone-Based Sensor Information Gathering System With Beam-Rotation Forward-Scattering Communications and Wireless Power Transfer
Author :

Arif Abdul Aziz (1) Dr. Agfianto Eko Putra, M.Si. (2) DongInKim (3) Kae Won Choi (4)

Date : 1 2022
Keyword : Drones , Radio frequency , Backscatter , Wireless sensor networks , Internet of Things , Receivers , MIMO communication Drones , Radio frequency , Backscatter , Wireless sensor networks , Internet of Things , Receivers , MIMO communication
Abstract : In this work, we propose a drone-based sensor information gathering system that utilizes an aerial drone to wirelessly transfer an electromagnetic (EM) wave signal toward a battery-less forward-scatter tag device with multiple antennas. The proposed tag device is designed to harvest the EM signal from the drone as a source of power, and at the same time to reuse the EM signal for the data transmission. We propose a beam-rotation forward-scattering algorithm for the data transmission, which creates the main beam rotating along the azimuth plane. In the proposed algorithm, data are transmitted from the tag device to the tag reader by mapping each bit of information to varying beam rotation speeds. A unique hardware design of the forward-scatter tag device is proposed in this article, and it has been fabricated and implemented for wireless power transfer (WPT) and data transmission experiments. By experiment, we have verified that power is successfully harvested by the proposed tag device, with the average power conversion efficiency rated at 57%. The proposed tag device is able to transmit the sensor data to the tag readers without the knowledge of the location of the tag readers. We have tested the proposed beam-rotation forward-scattering communication at up to 500 m communication distance and shown that the sensor data can successfully be delivered.
Group of Knowledge : Sistem Informasi Geografi (SIG)
Original Language : English
Level : Internasional
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