Title : Effect of external electric field on spin-orbit splitting of the two-dimensional tungsten dichalcogenides WX2 (X = S, Se)
Author :

Moh. Adhib Ulil Absor, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D. (1) Prof. Dr. Kamsul Abraha (2)

Date : 2018
Keyword : - -
Abstract : Tungsten dichalcogenides WX 2 (X=S, Se) monolayer (ML) attracted much attention due their large spin splitting, which is promising for spintronics applications. However, manipulation of the spin splitting using an external electric field plays a crucial role in the spintronic device operation, such as the spin-field effect transistor. By using first-principles calculations based on density functional theory (DFT), we investigate the impact of external electric field on the spin splitting properties of the WX 2 ML. We find that large spin-splitting up to 441 meV and 493 meV is observed on the K point of the valence band maximum, for the case of the WS2 and WSe2 ML, respectively. Moreover, we also find that the large spin-orbit splitting is also identified in the conduction band minimum around Q points with energy splitting of 285 meV and 270 meV, respectively. Our calculation also show that existence of the direct semiconducting – indirect semiconducting – metallic transition by applying the external electric field. Our study clarify that the electric field plays a significant role in spin-orbit interaction of the WX 2 ML, which has very important implications in designing future spintronic devices.
Group of Knowledge : Fisika
Original Language : English
Level : Internasional
Status :
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